Speakers. Networking. Connections
What do we mean when we say, Bold + Brilliant = Badass? To be Bold, means you are willing to speak out for the issues that mean the most to you. To be Brilliant, means you have the experience, knowledge, and passion needed to advocate for your idea. When you combine Bold + Brilliant, the results is a Badass. Being a Badass means that, despite your fear, any potential backlash/criticism, or how unpopular your idea maybe to some, you will still push forward to share your truth.
Bold + Brilliant = Badass is our Mantra!
Are you ready to be a part of a network and connect with individuals who are Bold, Brilliant and Badass?
Hashtags: #boldbrilliantbadass #TEDxUStreetWomen #TimeForAction #kimwebstermba #iambold #iambrilliant #bebold #bebrilliant #beabadass #iamabadass
Twitter: @TEDxUStreet
Instagram: @TEDxUStreetWomen
Facebook: TEDxUStreetWomen
Welcome to the TEDxUStreetWomen Official website! TEDxUStreetWomen is a local, independently organized event to be held in Washington DC. We want this to be an event that strives to recreate the unique experience found at TED, where the world’s leading thinkers and doers congregate to share what they are most passionate about. At its core, the fundamental goal of TED and TEDxUStreetWomen is to foster and spread great ideas while celebrating Washington DC and the U Street Corridor community. We are excited that you decided to visit our portal of bold, brilliant and badass ideas from some of the most eloquent speakers around the nation. Visit us often to see our featured speaker, performers and other recommended TEDTalks that will surely change the way you see the world.
Why TEDxUStreetWomen
Women are realizing that the way things used to be is not the way things should be. More and more, women are becoming empowered to break the glass ceilings and strive towards finding their place in leadership roles. Roles that challenges the old way of thinking while creating opportunities for women to make a difference in the world. Women are not new to leadership; think of Cleopatra or Queen Elizabeth. Think of the women who led the civil rights and education reform movements. However, women are still outnumbered by men in the most prestigious positions, from Capitol Hill to the board room.
Although a lot is being done to change the way women are seen, much still needs to be done. Women make up more than half the U.S. population, yet there are only one in five women in Congress. Men still out pace women in salaries and positions. Women all across the globe are regaining their confidence and becoming bold, brilliant and unapologetic. During this conference, we will celebrate, not only the successes of women, but ponder on ways to be innovative and inspirational. Ways to affect the planet and the people on it.
We want to change the social norms and empower women to be Bold and Brilliant. We don't want women to be ashamed of speaking their truths. This platform is for Badass women who want to share their idea that can change the world!
Why U Street Corridor?
As a 6th generation Washingtonian, I’ve always known U Street to be a community build on activism. Arthur Ashe once said, “The corner of 14th and U was the grapevine. . . . If you were at that corner, you always had the sense that something big was about to happen”. Known as Washington’s cultural center at the turn of the century, U Street has long been a backbone of the city’s homegrown jazz, arts, and civil rights movements. Once bearing the scars of riots and protests, today it has regained its rightful place as the street to showcase DC’s vibrant cultural life, from music and food to activism and art. U Street has historically brought Washingtonians together to the sound of its homegrown music, from jazz and blues to rock and go-go. Today its renovated clubs, new restaurants and shops are once again the center of DC’s humming nightlife. U Street is home for those who want to march to their own beat.
It’s both historic and colorful, boasting some of the richest culture of the city and full of bars, restaurants, and boutiques – as well as plenty of DC locals who come to enjoy the culture and the people-watching.
Ideas Worth Spreading
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TED has created a program called TEDx. TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. Our event is called TEDxUStreetWomen, where x = independently organized TED event. At our TEDxUStreetWomen event, TED Talks video and live speakers will combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events, including ours, are self-organized.